The Locations

Sterling. Is the Jones house in Sterling, Virgina.  Sterling is in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, just outside of our Nation's capital in Washington DC.  The Joneses moved to Sterling twenty years ago from Hawaii.  The house is a contemporary house with the typical 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths in the middle of a planned development. It truly is a one of those tiny boxes in the suburbs, but it holds wonderful memories for the Joneses as Greg and Morgan grew to be young adults.  

Bassett. Is the Jones house in Bassett, Virgina.  Bassett is in Southwest part of Viigina, 45 minutes from Roanoke, Virginia.  Nancy and Jeff found the house after searching for an old house with back stairs for nearly three years.  It is an old Federal Style house complete with a carriage house residing on five acres.  It was built in 1920 by the Stanley Brothers of Stanley Furniture fame. They've had the Basset house for almost four years and its where they've celebrated major holidays since.  It is also where Nancy and Jeff escaped from Greg and Morgan before Greg got cancer.  After Greg's diagnosis, it became a refuge of hope, love and peace.  In fact, it is where Greg felt most at peace and made plans to grow old and be next door neighbors to Morgan and her family.   

MD Anderson.  Is the world renowned Cancer Center located in Houston, Texas and was a beacon of hope.  It is where Greg's life was spared in February of 2009 and location of many highs and lows.  Like when the Joneses learned Greg was cancer free in April of 2009 to the cancer's return in July of 2009. Then to find the standard treatment didn't work in September to a promising clinical trial the same month. Trips went from every three months, to every week, to every other week during clinical trials.  It is where the Joneses learned the ropes and hopes of clinical trials as well as their worst fears.  It is the place of countless heart to hearts where Greg and Nancy pondered:
  • what is the meaning of life?
  • what's after this life?
  • are there really angels? 
  • what really causes cancer? 
  • did we know each other before we got here?
Greg and Nancy were also keenly aware of the tiny little zebras like getting a good nights sleep, making flights, and just being around to experience the journey.  Jeff, Katie, and Morgan also made trips with Greg to Houston. They got to know the Residence Inn and Rotary House Marriot Hotel located at the MD Anderson campus extremely well.